Mergers & Aquisitions

Mergers & Acquisition Support

“I tried to sell my company for $9 million, but it fell through. With Eagle Consulting’s support, we sold the company a year later” – Seller in a $20M transaction.

Eagle Consulting works alongside owners and CEOs providing “high touch” support to enable you to execute M&A plans with confidence. Our team has decades of operational and M&A experience, and has completed more than 40 transactions – acquisitions, divestments and partnerships – in the US and internationally at an aggregate value exceeding $2 billion. We can manage the entire process for you – from conception, through Closing to post acquisition integration.

  • Our focus is on US based homeland security, defense contracting, technology and manufacturing businesses.
  • We also serve US companies wanting to invest in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, as well as companies in those areas seeking to grow in the US.
  • Our experience encompasses Seller and Buyer support to oversee and navigate the complexities of a transaction.
  • Uniquely, we will stay with a client through Closing to create and implement post-acquisition integration and management plans to help deliver the expected value from a transaction.


Selling a business is a time consuming and stressful process. Our straightforward approach helps Owners navigate the complexities and emotions of selling their business, while allowing them more time to run their business. Our knowledge and experience will increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Preparation Expand
  • Perform an “internal due diligence” to identify key issues that could enhance or impair the value of the business, and assess if your business is ready for divestment.
  • Prepare pro-forma financials that form a key part of the Executive Summary.
  • Valuation and other guidance to help align key stakeholders’ interests and expectations.
  • Identify potential investors and put a plan together to market your business and a strategy for maximizing value.
Managing the Process Expand

A successful divestment process requires a lot of time, effort and expertise. With Eagle Consulting managing the process, you will have more time to devote to running your business while increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

  • Executing NDAs with potential acquirers.
  • Creating and managing a dataroom for the business
  • Create an Executive Summary of the business to attract interest from potential acquirers.
  • Receiving and reviewing indicative proposals from potential acquirers.
  • Lead and coordinate the due diligence process and other discussions with the potential acquirer(s), acting as a buffer between the owners and the acquirers.
  • Assisting negotiations by developing win/win solutions, and knowing when to take a strong position.
  • Assistance determining the structure of the proposed transaction.
  • Working with your Legal and Tax advisers on contract drafting and negotiations.
  • Providing access to our network of advisers, including attorneys and CPA firms
Due Diligence Expand

We have extensive due diligence experience. Together with your external advisers and internal functional experts (legal, tax, commercial, etc.), Eagle Consulting will help you through the due diligence process:

  • Create an electronic data room to host Company due diligence data that can be accessed by potential acquirer(s).
  • Coordinating data collection from your internal functional experts.
  • Anticipate potential areas of concern and help manage the consequences and outcome.
  • Liaise with acquirer and its advisors, to interpret and manage their DD requests.
Closing The Balance Sheet Expand

Whether Selling or Buying, Eagle Consulting has the experience to manage all aspects of a Net Working Capital / Closing Balance Sheet adjustment mechanism for an acquisition.  Our clients find this hugely valuable, as it saves them having to engage separate advisers. Furthermore, we are already familiar with the issues to be addressed:

  • Negotiating the definition of and items to be included in the calculation.
  • Estimating the amount as at Closing.
  • Negotiating any post-Closing adjustments.


Buying a company can be an exhilarating yet complex process. At Eagle Consulting we assist our clients in creating the best plan for a successful transaction. From management to performing due diligence, we thoroughly cover all aspects of the transaction, including establishing and implementing an acquisition integration strategy.

Strategy & Target Identification Collapse Expand

Eagle Consulting helps clients identify and clearly articulate their acquisition strategy and rationale for a transaction.

  • Research based on your criteria or desired result.
  • Prioritizing and identifying the best acquisition, based on criteria such as available financial resources and synergy benefits of specific targets.
  • Develop a timetable and approach to targets.
Managing the Process Expand

Our straightforward approach helps Buyers navigate the complexities of the transaction.

  • Assisting with valuation analysis.
  • Executing NDAs.
  • Drafting Indicative Proposals / Letter of Intent.
  • Determining negotiating strategies and structuring transactions.
  • Assisting negotiations by developing win/win solutions, and knowing when
    to take a strong position or be flexible.
  • Managing the due diligence with your internal experts and external advisors.
  • Providing insight into all aspects of the target company including: Financial,
    Organization, Sales & Marketing, Products & Technology.
  • Providing access to our network of advisers, including attorneys and CPA firms.
Due Diligence Expand

We coordinate all areas of due diligence whether using external advisers or internal functional experts (legal, tax, commercial, etc.); and we have extensive experience performing financial due diligence.

  • Reviewing the quality of historical revenues and earnings, trends and cash flows; and understanding the key risks and drivers of business models
  • Pro forma analyses of business unit performance
  • Review and analysis of both on and off Balance Sheet assets and liabilities to ascertain asset value as well as hidden liabilities
  • Critical review of company financial projections
  • In depth review and analysis for post closing purchase price adjustments
Acquisition Integration Expand

Most companies vastly under estimate the amount of planning and effort required to successfully integrate an acquisition. The workload can be overwhelming, which can result in poor decision making. We help create and implement post-acquisition integration and management plans.

  • Clarify and articulate strategic rationale, risk factors and synergies.
  • Design and implement post-acquisition integration plans with clear deliverables, accountability.
  • Serve as Integration Manager to project manage the integration